Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Office

1 comment:

Mandy said...

So I don't really have a comment about this but I wanted to tell you that I am not a flower person either! I just hate to spend money, if they are going to die:( But I must say, on occassions I do enjoy beautiful flowers in my apartment! I LOVE urban outfitters, although I don't check their sale stuff nearly enough! It is so hard when there isn't a store nearby.

By the way, my friend is planning her wedding (it is a winter one like yours) and I am bridesmaid and I have been helping her a whole any information you want to send my way would be greatly appreciated!! I am throwing her a lingerie party (I feel she deserves it since she is waiting until marriage, and I would hope someone will do the same for me!) so any tips for decorations or anything I would love to have. Other than that, just different ways to tie in winter and christmas...i am trying to think of stuff!
